Hello everyone! :)
Today I have a trendy feather nail art so show you that I did a while ago :) I tend to post my nail arts a bit after I use them because well, there's editing and writting to do :p However, you can always follow me in snapchat (clockwisepolish) and check out what I'm doing 
Hoje vou mostrar-vos uma manicure que fiz há uns tempos com penas bem trendy. Costumo postar as minhas nail arts algum tempo depois de as fazer... Editar e escrever consome muito tempo. Mas podem sempre ver em tempo real o que faço no snapchat (clockwisepolish)! 
But first, let's talk about the base. piCture pOlish Lakodom is a gorgeous off white polish with silver holographic glitter. I love it because it looks super elegant in my skintone
I applied three coats and could still see the nail tips, hence it's a bit sheer - but rather sexy as well! I used Anny Quick Dry top coat over this nail art and I want to call your attention that I believe this top coat doesn't go well with piCture pOlish polishes. That's because for the second time (the first was with Cherish) the polish turned yellow (looked like it was burned) around 24h later. But only the polish since my nails were ok and normal.
Mas primeiro vamos debruçar-nos sobre o verniz base. O verniz escolhido foi o divo piCture pOlish Lakodom que é uma parceria entre a marca Australiana picture polish e a loja russa Lakodom. A cor é soberba! Um branco cru cheio de glitter holográfico prata
. Mas tenho uma chamada de atenção a fazer: usei o top coat Anny Quick Dry. Notei tanto com o Lakodom como com o Cherish que este top coat queima o verniz; a manicure fica mesmo amarelo queimado mas não afecta em nada as unhas.
Abou the nail art, I tried something new to me :p I stamped the feathers from Bundle Monster BM XL-209 plate with DRK Nails Jumbo Jelly clear stamper and filled them with white. Afterwards I stamped with different colors the same design over the white and finished with black. I am in love! I should make a video instead of writting these description lol.
Quanot à nail art, experimentei algo novo :p Carimbei o desenho de penas da placa Bundle Monster BM XL 209 a branco e preenchi todo o seu interior. Depois carimbei por cima com o carimbo transparente DRK Nails Jumbo Jelly com várias cores e por fim com preto. Ficou espectacular e eu amei! :D Não acham que eu devia fazer videos em vez de escrever estas descrições? hehe
What do you guys think? Kisses,
Que acham? Gostaram? Beijinhos,
Cristina Santos***
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